....but who's counting? That means that there are even less days until the baby is here. It's all very exciting, but there is so much work to be done!
This weekend Justin and I performed a major overhaul on our bedroom closet. We found lots of things to get rid of, pulled all the summer clothes and shoes out, and I even took a deep breath and stored away anything that doesn't currently fit. (I have about five articles of clothing left...but it's wonderfully clutter-free!) We finished it off with a new paint job and new hooks for hats and purses. The final result is beautiful. After living in this house for 3 years, I finally feel like our closet is usable....even though it's hardly bigger than a matchbox. I think I might even enjoy putting the clean laundry away now!
Amidst the Great Closet Cleanout, we took the boys to a local orchard and picked 150 lbs of Jonagold apples, which are currently in the garage dreaming of their future as pies, sauce, and dried to be later added to homemade granola.
Anyone care to guess what I'll be working on this week?