Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Heard Around The....Volvo

Oh, the things one can hear on an innocent drive around town.

Are you ready for this?

Reese: "Hey Cole? When our new chickens die, do you think we will bury them in the same place as the old chickens?"

Cole: "Well, here's what I'm thinking." (Mama is cringing.) "I love them SOOO much, and I think they're SOOO pretty....how about if we cut off their heads, and keep them? You know, like in a glass box? With their eyes open?"


  1. That's awesome. Your kids are so funny.

  2. You clearing a space for the boxes in your bedroom, Mama?

  3. ha! thanks, friend, for the giggles! (boy am i going to have strange dreams tonight)

  4. [smile] Chicken heads=pretty? I'm not seeing it. Sure, the chicks are really cute, but full-blown chickens?


  5. I'm sure the container store can help you with that project!

  6. I am completely surprised that I use the words 'beautiful' and 'chickens' in the same sentence now on a regular basis. I totally understand Cole's sentiment.

  7. I think it's super cute that Cole said, "Here's what I'm thinking." Since you said the same thing in your last post. :)
